A poem for a winter day...

Here's a poem for a winter day.

My friend, here's a poem from a little book of poetry I put together in early 2020.

It feels like something you might enjoy today because I'm enjoying it today!

No. 8
Every silver morning these days
a hummingbird awaits the sun and me
on the highest blade of a quivering bamboo.
He perches, still,
and the wind gusts around him.
The leaves tremble and he sways, unruffled.
Imagine yourself on a redwood branch, above
the fog,
the wind teasing you.
Will you play?
The hummingbird fans his feathers.
I say hi.
We call and respond.
Good morning and he opens his tail.
You're beautiful and his wings spread.
The orange of him is the rising sun.
One day this week, in weighty cold
with a storm on approach,
he announced the rhythm of rain.
He beat his drumtwice and then some
faster than the beat
of my heart.
When he was done, I stood in the light rain
and felt the sun glancing through a break in the clouds.
We are birds, watching,
collecting the color.
This is how we pray
and enter those gatherings in other worlds.
This is how we journey to lands
where the advice of trees and birds and winds
awaits us.
They all say, rest awhile.
Rest awhile.

Please love deeply today. Share what delights you.

This is how we bring light into the darker days.

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